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Workplace policies, why do I need them?

NDL People

Workplace policies are always a good idea, it helps reinforce and clarify the standards expected of employees and help employers manage staff more effectively as it defines what is acceptable and unacceptable in the workplace.

Policies need to be provided and explained to new and existing employees for them to be effective. You should get all employees (new and current) to read through your policies and procedures handbook and sign a document to say they are aware and will adhere to them… commencement and then annually or when there is a change.

Having workplace policies are also beneficial in assisting employers defend themselves in an unfair dismissal claim, WHS prosecution or liability claims.

What policies should I have?

It really depends on what type of organisation you are, but policies that everyone should have are:

- Welcome

- Our company history

- What we do

- Our clients

- Our mission, vision, and values

- Your employment

- Business environment

- Code of conduct policy

- Dress code policy

- It, Internet, email, and social media policies

- Recruitment

- Induction

- Training and development

- Probation

- Occupational health and safety

- Equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-bullying

- Pregnancy at work

- Flexible working arrangements

- Leave

- Performance management

- Performance improvement

- Grievance complaints

- Conflict of interest

- Intellectual property and security

- Environmental best practice

- Policies and declaration

Do you have a policies and procedures manual?

Do you have an updated version of your policies and procedures manual?

NDL People are here to make sure you have one and it’s up to date, speak to us now

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